Conscious Sedation Dentistry

Once you've experienced sedation dentistry with Dr. Patla, you'll probably never be afraid to go to the dentist again!
You will be sedated with drugs given intravenously, rather than orally. This is a safe alternative because the drugs that are given provide an immediate result, and are also easily reversible (unlike orally, which would require a venous portal to reverse). You'll be sedated just enough to be unaware, or remember the treatment. You will wake up refreshed, and feel as though the procedure only took 15 minutes.
There are a variety of reasons why sedation dentistry might be right for you. Complex dental treatments that often require six to eight appointments can be done is as little as one, all while you relax. People who have difficulty getting numb will also find that conscious sedation will eliminate this problem. Other situations for this type of dentistry are: extreme apprehension or fear, history of traumatic dental experiences, bad gag reflex, very sensitive teeth, complex dental problems, limited time to complete dental care, aversion to needles and shots, bothered by noise, smells, or taste associated with dental office, and even those who are afraid or embarrassed about their teeth.
Appointment request
Need an appointment with a dentist in Holmdel ? Requesting an appointment at our Holmdel, NJ family and cosmetic dental office is now easier than ever. Fill out the form below and we'll contact you to find a time that fits your schedule. Start your journey towards a beautiful smile with us today!
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